4 Chestnut Street
Exeter, NH 03833
Adult Services: 603-772-3101
Children's Services: 603-772-6036
Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 8 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 1 PM

Summer Reading Program 2024

Kick-Off Summer Reading with
Picnic in the Park
Pack a picnic and play some games in Founder's Park!Thursday, June 27 from 1 - 2:30 PM.
Attend Picnic in the Park and grab a raffle ticket at the Seacoast Eat Local table. Then head over to the Farmer's Market off Swasey Parkway that same day between 2:30 and 6 PM. Check out the Seacoast Eat Local Information booth to drop off your ticket in the desired raffle prize. The library will contact winners the following day!
St. Vincent de Paul Food Donations:
This event is free and open to the public. Please consider bringing a shelf-stable food donation for St. Vincent de Paul.
Special Movie Showings
July 1 to July 5 at 1 PM
Monday, July 1
Children's Room

Tuesday, July 2
Mezzanine Meeting Room

Wednesday, July 3
Children's Room

Friday, July 5
Mezzanine Meeting Room

Teens playing Jenga at the Library Picnic in Founder's Park

Adults and children playing on large block from YMCA in the Founder's Park

Staff giving out information about the library's Summer Program and events.

Teens playing Jenga at the Library Picnic in Founder's Park
Children's Room Summer Reading Program
Travel with the Children’s Room to a magical kingdom filled with adventure this summer!
Reading Logs!
Children of all ages are welcome to participate in our reading log program! Children choose their reading goal each week, and when they reach their goal they earn a prize!
Reading Logs can not be checked 30 minutes before or after special events.
Children ages 7-11 have a choice to participate with reading logs or with our BookFlix program! Sign-up is required.
Join one of the Children’s Room summer book groups! You will receive a book to read for each session, then come back to watch the movie adaptation of each book!

Special Event Wednesdays

2024 Adult Summer Reading Programs
Win Prizes!
Prizes for Everyone:
Any time you check out, grab a treat or a small prize!
Grand Prize Raffle:
Earn entry to the raffle by completing the 6-week reading challenge. Stop by the desk each week to spin the wheel for your reading challenge. Finish your challenge and let the front desk know so they can stamp your reading passport.
Earn an additional entry by completing the NH Scavenger Hunt. Pick one up at the front desk or online.
NH Scavenger Hunt
Take a picture at six out of the ten location to win a prize and be entered into the grand prize drawing! Show your picture to the front desk to get the location
Earn additional entry by completing the NH Scavenger Hunt. Pick one up at the front desk or click the photo to get the PDF.
Thank you to this year's Sponsors

These six programs are appropriate for all ages. Anyone ages 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all time.

Teen Summer Reading Program
About the Program:
Summer Reading begins June 17 and ends August 3
For every item you check out, you will earn an entry towards our grand prizes.
Every time you check out at the desk, you win a smaller prize.
For Grades 6 to Grade 11
Drop-In Activities:
Weekly Trivia
Monday Teen All Day Gaming
Tuesday Events
Book Groups
Thursday Make Art All Day
Friday Teen All Day Gaming
Saturday Bonus Trivia